Blue Ocean: A New User Experience for Jenkins Pipeline
The recommended Docker image to use is thejenkinsci/blueocean image(from the Docker Hub repository). This imagecontains the current Long-Term Support (LTS) release of Jenkins(which is production-ready) bundled with all Blue Ocean plugins and features.This means that you do not need to install the Blue Ocean plugins separately.
There are also other Jenkins Docker images you can use (accessible throughjenkins/jenkins on DockerHub). However, these do not come with Blue Ocean, which would need to beinstalled via the Manage Jenkins >Manage Plugins page in Jenkins. Read moreabout this in Getting started with Blue Ocean.
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If you have some experience with Docker and you wish or need to access thejenkinsci/blueocean container through a terminal/command prompt using thedocker execcommand, you can add an option like --name jenkins-blueocean (with thedocker runabove), which would give the jenkinsci/blueocean container the name"jenkins-blueocean".
Unlike downloading and running Jenkins with Blue Ocean in Docker(above), this process does not automatically install the Blue Oceanfeatures, which would need to installed separately via theManage Jenkins >Manage Plugins page in Jenkins. Readmore about the specifics for installing Blue Ocean on theGetting started with Blue Oceanpage.
You can change the port by specifying the --httpPort option when you run thejava -jar jenkins.war command. For example, to make Jenkins accessiblethrough port 9090, then run Jenkins using the command:java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090
If your /etc/init.d/jenkins file fails to start Jenkins, edit the /etc/default/jenkins to replace the line----HTTP_PORT=8080---- with ----HTTP_PORT=8081----Here, "8081" was chosen but you can put another port available.
Disclaimer: This platform is NOT officially supported by the Jenkins team,use it at your own risk. Packaging and integration described in this sectionis maintained by the OpenIndiana Hipster team, bundling the generic jenkins.warto work in that operating environment.
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Once Jenkins is running, consult the log(/var/svc/log/network-http:jenkins.log) to retrieve the generatedadministrator password for the initial set up of Jenkins, usually it will befound at /var/lib/jenkins/home/secrets/initialAdminPassword. Then navigate tolocalhost:8080 to complete configuration of theJenkins instance.
You can also refer to /lib/svc/manifest/network/jenkins-standalone.xml for moredetails and comments about currently supported tunables of the SMF service.Note that the jenkins user account created by the packaging is specially privilegedto allow binding to port numbers under 1024.
ZFS-related JVM crashes: When Jenkins runs on a system detected as a SunOS,it tries to load integration for advanced ZFS features using the bundledlibzfs.jar which maps calls from Java to native routinesprovided by the host OS. Unfortunately, that library was made for binaryutilities built and bundled by the OS along with it at the same time, and wasnever intended as a stable interface exposed to consumers. As the forks ofSolaris legacy, including ZFS and later the OpenZFS initiative evolved, manydifferent binary function signatures were provided by different hostoperating systems - and when Jenkins libzfs.jar invoked the wrongsignature, the whole JVM process crashed. A solution was proposed andintegrated in jenkins.war since weekly release 2.55 (and not yet in any LTSto date) which enables the administrator to configure which functionsignatures should be used for each function known to have different variants,apply it to their application server initialization options and then run andupdate the generic jenkins.war without further workarounds. Seethe libzfs4j Git repository formore details, including a script to try and "lock-pick" the configurationneeded for your particular distribution (in particular if your kernel updatesbring a new incompatible
Original request"Show complete log" button will take me to plain text and it really hard to parse the information when pipeline steps are executed in parallel. Blue Ocean makes it easy to see steps with the UI diagram but truncating the log makes it impossible to find the error inside of blue ocean UI. Going into pain text requires downloading the logs and parsing the information by cat grep "[stage name]" this makes it really difficult to find issues.
Same case here. Our Jenkins is setup in OpenShift which is not allowed to connect to the Internet. Downloading a plugin 1-by-1 is tiresome. Not to mention that each plugins have its own dependencies that needs to be downloaded as well.
The easiest way to acquire all 21 plugin files is to open The Jenkins plugin page and search for blueocean. Download the same numbered version of all 21 and upload them one by one. Order shouldn't be an issue. As long as they are all present on restart the dependencies will resolve.
In the past when blueocean doesn't load up, its because its missing a depending module. Like for example, blueocean-web might be installed, but not blueocean-config. This is usually caused by the "Blueocean" meta package not being installed.
Hello, I had a docker file to generate a docker image with the desired plugins installed. That docker file was using script. But after I downloaded the latest jenkins docker image, it has stoped working and gives me the following error: has been removed, please switch to jenkins-plugin-cliBut I have not been able to see how to run the jenkins cli during docker build. Could anybody provide a small dockerfile example so I can build my docker with the desired plugins?
The Jenkins project publishes a Docker container with Blue Ocean built-in everytime a new release of Blue Ocean is published. The jenkinsci/blueoceanimage is based off of the current Jenkins Long-Term Support(LTS) release and is production ready.
There are roughly one and a half thousand Jenkins plugins available for download, which allow you to solve any kind of problem you might ever encounter during deployment, development or testing. Very often, until you face a specific issue, you might even not know that there are many useful and handy plugins, which sometimes are not extremely necessary to have but at the same time, they might really improve your productivity.
As indicated in the dialog, you can either find the initial password in the official Jenkins log file at/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log or at the location mentioned in the dialog -/var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.
This is pretty cool! Jenkins needs an .xml file in junit format to understand the results of the tests. This is great because as long as we can provide this file, we can run our tests and use the UI to determine the results. We downloaded a tool during the build called jstemmer/go-junit-report. It takes the output of go test -v and will output the XML that Jenkins understands. For us that means instead of
I build my own Jenkins Slave docker image hustakin/jenkins-slave:latest with the kubectl version v1.14.2. For different version, you should build your own jenkins slave docker image with another kubectl version based on image cnych/jenkins:jnlp.
The easiest way to customize different version kubectl is to replace the executable file "kubectl" from image cnych/jenkins:jnlp. You can find the file in your kubernetes cluster or download it.#Find current kubectlwhich kubectl#/usr/bin/kubectl#Download v1.14.2 kubectl and modify it to executablecurl -LO -release/release/v1.14.2/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectlchmod +x ./kubectl
Copy the kubectl file to current folder and build the Dockerfile.FROM cnych/jenkins:jnlpMAINTAINER Frankie Fan ""ENV REFRESHED_AT 2019-6-26COPY kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectlENTRYPOINT ["jenkins-slave"]
The recommended Docker image to use is the jenkinsci/blueocean image (from the Docker Hub repository). This image contains the current Long-Term Support (LTS) release of Jenkins (which is production-ready) bundled with all Blue Ocean plugins and features. This means that you do not need to install the Blue Ocean plugins separately.
Jenkins provides Debian/Ubuntu packages which install Jenkins and register Jenkins as start service.See the Install Jenkins on Ubuntu description.The Linux installation creates a /etc/init.d/jenkins script which starts Jenkins automatically at boot time.
If the jenkins.war is deployed in your webapps directory, but can not be started and the tomcat manager saysFAIL - Application at context path /jenkins could not be started, you may need to grant the permissions for JENKINS_HOME.
Follow the installation instructions to install the jenkinsci/blueocean Docker container. And do remember to launch the after installation as launching the application is a necessary step to get the Docker daemon run.
The reasons for this issue are the same as the above one. In this case, you must manually download relevant plugins from the Jenkins plugin official website After the download is complete, you can upload it manually.
To build Jenkins plugins, you need to install Jenkins build automation tool. Maven is the most popular one that Java developers use for Java projects. Not only use Java, but you can also use Maven to build and manage C#, Scala, and Ruby projects. Follow the steps below to download and install Maven,
There might be two primary explanations for this problem. (1) The plugin is incompatible with an older version of Jenkins. (2) due to firewall or network issues. In both cases, the most up-to-date versions of Jenkins and the plugin proxy source will need to be downloaded and updated, respectively.
The reason for this problem can be the same as the above. If you are receiving this error message while searching a specific plugin then you can download it from the official website for the Jenkins plugins Once it's downloaded you can manually upload it and install it on Jenkins.