Pfconfig Serial Full Version
For the purposes of this "how to" we will be working with the latest versionof OpenBSD v5.1 stable (GENERIC kernel). The example file will use most of theadvanced tools in the pf arsenal so you can get an understanding of how theywould work in a fully operational pf.conf file. If you decided to not use someof the options, you can take them out. We just want to give you all theinformation we can in a functional config file so you can decide what you wantto use.
Pfconfig Serial Full Version
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Below you will find two scroll-able text boxes. The first contains theversion of pf.conf for FreeBSD 9.1 which also works for OpenBSD 4.6 andearlier. The second scroll-able text box contains the new syntax for pf.confstarted in OpenBSD 4.8. Both formats are available to make it easier for youto review the code. These are fully working config files with the exception ofsetting up a few variables for your environment.